CRUMBS, SPILLS, AND STICKY FINGERS aren't a problem with Soulicious ecookbook. Soulicious is a beautifully designed 226 page full colour cookbook in Pdf format - an eCookbook! Soulicious doesn't compromise on design. Each recipe features a full colour photo, and you can follow your recipes from your iPad, or other tablet, or print out a recipe to use on your kitchen bench. Load it, Print it, and get cooking... And when you're finished, recycle your printed recipe. One of my readers, Jamie, emailed me to say... "When I spotted the recipe I wanted to cook, I hit the Print button and printed out just that page to use in the kitchen. I accidently spilled some spices on it, so at the end of the meal the messed-up print out made its way to the compost bin! Instead of having a big, clumsy cookbook getting in the way on our crowded kitchen benchtop, that one page was lovely to work with". Thanks, Jamie. Yes, it's as easy as that. |  | HOW DOES IT WORK? Soulicious is supplied on a CD format disk. Simply load the Pdf file onto your computer, iPad, or other tablet. Or any device that reads Pdf files. And no more squinting cooking instructions in tiny type sizes... simply enlarge the view on your tablet. WHAT DO YOU GET? Soulicious is supplied on a CD format disk. Take a look inside the book... RECIPES ALWAYS ON YOUR TABLET CARRY RECIPES WHILE YOU SHOP KITCHEN-FRIENDLY RECIPES LEARN THE HISTORY BEHIND THE CUISINE 226 PAGES of recipes, interviews, and history |